Haris Nadeem

Community Builder & Technologist

Empowering Developer Communities

Hi – This is Haris, a Developer Advocate.

I’m a developer community manager with 17+ years of experience in the tech field. I specialize in building, managing, and leading successful developer communities.

Haris Nadeem

Career Highlights

About me.

Current Roles

Community Manager at Google Developers Group Lahore, and Esports Consultant at Bramerz Digital.

Haris Nadeem speaking at Google Developer Student Clubs Summit 2023

Community Impact

Empowered the local developer community, organized numerous events, and promoted diversity and inclusion.

Recent Projects

Some of my latest work.

Projects: Community Management at Google Developers Group

Community Management – GDG Lahore

I lead the Google Developers Group in Lahore to empower the local developer community 👨🏻‍💻 with latest technologies and tools. I have engaged 100,000+ developers at all levels to build a diverse community of engineers for mutual learning and growth.

Projects: Chief Editor & Founder at Team Android

Chief Editor & Founder – Team Android

I founded Team Android, a technology blog about modifying and reviewing Android devices and accessories with a readership of over 2M+ monthly readers. I built a global community of Android enthusiasts, and relations with local and international Android OEMs.

Projects: Gaming & Esports Consultant at Bramerz Digital

Gaming & Esports Community Consultant

At Bramerz Digital, I lead and implement impactful gaming initiatives aimed at improving the well-being of esports athletes. I am dedicated to building a strong community of local professional players, providing them with the support they need and compete on the global stage.

Projects: Freelancer for WordPress Development, Gutenberg and FSE based Websites

Monetization Specialist & WordPress Developer

On the side, I’m a seasoned SEO and content monetization specialist who has helped online businesses monetize their web properties and make more money. I also develop blazing-fast WordPress sites using the latest tech-stack i.e. Gutenberg, Full Site Editing & Block Themes.

I occasionally write, so do read and let me know your thoughts.

Stay in touch

Let’s connect.

If you’re interested in collaborating, have any questions, or just want to say hi, feel free to reach out. You can connect with me on any of the socials or drop me a message using the Contact page.