Exams: 1 Down, 5 More To Go

Yes, you read it right! They have finally started! I have been dying to get out of this misery of exams, and yes, they have finally arrived.  The first one was Chemistry *ouch*, which went awesome! Thanks to our education system *may God bless them* 😛

Tomorrow is English, which is a piece of cake. I literally prepared for that in 2 hours – even in which I just kept turning the pages of my book wondering what to study. That makes just 5 more to go.

And by the way, did I mention I’m almost going to end the game X-Men Origins: Wolverine? Hehe, yes! I played that game all day today. If it wasn’t for the studies *cough*, I would have finished off with that today. But nevermind, will do it after exam tomorrow. I have a holiday (some people call it “preparation leave” hehe) before every exam.

I’m also looking for a mid-range Nokia phone these days. I want one for my Telenor number. LG KG270 is a very low-end phone and is just not my type *greediness*. I’ll most probably for the E-series.

And not to mention, I also have plans to buy the upcoming (rumoured) iPhone and the new Nokia N97. It all depends how much I spend on my holidays 🙂

Geez, it’s time to sleep! I have an exam to give tomorrow! I don’t know if I’ll post more before my exams end or not, but you know where to catch me! Yep, on Twitter and Facebook!

Wish me good luck folks! 🙂